Edgar Bushey

Case# 95-8543  
Affidavit of William Patrick Beale  
Probable Cause Affidavit  
Transcript  07-17-96  
  Without a Doubt  

Without a doubt, it is time for a change

It is time for the second American revolution, and this time let there be peace; heard around the world……..

We can all work, together to help everyone.

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. will be our national song

Can’t we all just get along; will be our motto.

Domestic violence is the biggest problem in this county. So way not make a way to help them? (there should be women center in every town)

Take all drugs give them to the American Medical Association. Tax them and give the money to a national health care program.

Take and use education to teach people a better way to live. Make anger management part of the program. Help family that would like help

Police need help in there job. (it is time to make police our friends again ) If we change the drug law and use education to help people maybe we can change this county. (Give all drugs to the A.M.A. Tax them and use education to help everyone. )

There are many things wrong with this county however, if each one of us will look in your heart and see your spiritual life. You will change the world

Make a national sale tax and use that money for education.

Look at the money some of the people in the insurance and mortgages business get, the top people are ripping us off. Also in some of the other job, even in the government, they are paid too much! Teacher pay should be the base pay for all.

Make a difference in this world make a difference in your life

What county has never kept a treaty, that it made with the native people of the land?

It is time that we give leadership over to just women. These women should be like these

April Hazamy


Comments/ Supporters:

"I've read about your case and I believe in your innocense!"


"The truth will always prevail. Stay strong and keep fighting!"


"I feel sorry for Mr. Bushey, he is a sublime gentleman and I don't believe

this horrible accusation."


"I would like to talk to you agout this and my case coming up"